Anxiety - Why you should take the first step.
Life is filled with anxiety, some just deal with it better than others... and I was pretty sure I dealt with it better than others. But...

Why the pH of your skin matters - keep your skin healthy... and acidic.
When we were searching for something to calm by babies eczema i was told that baking soda in the bath would be good... beneficial... and...

Cochineal, E120, carmine... The little red food colouring bug and allergies.
After much research when we found our own child was allergic to red food colouring. It was a natural red food colouring that is made from...

Mrs, Miss and Ms. Why do females have to choose their marital status, but men do not?
I saw on a friends Facebook post, asking the question about why do we have to choose a title such as Mr or Mrs? In fact his exact words...

Alternatives to eucalyptus, when you have a eucalyptus allergy/sensitivity.
After using a natural toothpaste that contained eucalyptus I discovered that it was not something I EVER wanted to put in my mouth again!...