Tom Deacon - Rapture - Comedy Review

Introducing Tom Deacon!
This is Tom Deacon's Kiwi debut, and he impressed his audience with a great hour of comedy!
This was a really well put together show of spiralling lightly awkward comical stories pulled together really thoughtfully.
He is a funny, charming comedian on stage that the audience warms to justifiably quickly. The crowd settled into a hour of comedy that seemed to pass far too rapidly, which was fantastic!
Tom, who is from the UK, has a background in Radio, TV and Online shows. You can follow Tom on...
Facebook - @tomdeaconcomedy
Instagram - @tomdeaconcomedy
Twitter - @TomHDeacon
It is an easy hour of hysterical comedy tales, with topics such as "Life" "Love" and "Swinging Dicks!"
I cant wait to see another show of his! Its 5 pumpkins from me.

You can catch Tom upstairs at the Classic Comedy Club, 321 Queen Street, Auckland from: Tuesday 21st May - Saturday 25th May 7.15pm.
As part of the 2019 New Zealand International Comedy Festival with Best Foods Mayo
For Tickets + Info:
As part of the 2019 New Zealand International Comedy Festival I also watched Alan McElroy, you can read my Review of his show HERE